Where I'll be at NYCC
Just one week from today I'll be heading to New York to attend NYCC. Hard to believe it's already been a year since the last one!
Gabriel Hardman and I will be sharing Table Q-9 in Artist Alley. In addition, I'll be signing at the Dark Horse booth on the main floor on Saturday at 4. Dark Horse always has nice give-aways and I'm betting this time around it might be Angel (of Buffy fame) themed.
Gabriel and I will have some new wares debuting at our table too. In keeping with the fact that October is the spookiest (and best) of months, he'll have copies of THE BELFRY, his horror one-shot, and I'll have copies of 3 DARK TALES, my new prose chapbook. We'll also have copies of INVISIBLE REPUBLIC, of course, as well as an assortment of other books and goodies.
Who can resist NYC in the fall? Certainly not me. I hope to see you there!